What would you do if your pet became lost? How would he find his way home? Would the volunteers at the humane society recognize him? The facts are that pets without identification almost never find their way home if they become lost.
A microchip implanted in your pet serves as a permanent identification in the event he is ever lost or stolen. We use 911 Chips. These chips are compatible with scanners around the world and serve as registration for international travel.

There are countless stories of pets becoming lost and found again only because of a microchip identification. A dog, startled by a sudden noise, ran away from his home. In the blink of an eye, he was gone. He was found about 3 blocks from his home, but the finder had now idea who the dog belonged to. The owner reported the dog missing on the national microchip registry and a bulletin with the dog’s picture was sent instantly via email to Family Vet Animal Clinic. Dr. Jeff Smith received the bulletin on his smart phone and recognized the dog while driving home from work and was able to help the dog find his owner. The dog had been lost overnight and had crossed a busy highway several times before being captured, but things could have been much worse.
Countless dogs and cats are scattered and lost every time there is a natural disaster such as a tornado or hurricane and microchip identification along with the hard work of volunteer veterinarians often make the difference between finding the way home and being lost forever.
The process of implanting a microchip takes only seconds during a regular veterinary visit and is no more painful than a rabies vaccine.
Schedule an appointment today
We are committed to providing compassionate and effective care to help you, and your pet live your best lives together. You can call us at (434) 836-2499 or visit us at 280 Piney Forest Rd., Danville, VA 24540.